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CHICAGO, Ill. — There are currently no approved treatments to protect vision in people who have geographic atrophy, an advanced and severe form of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) that can lead to permanent vision loss. But hope may be on the way for the five million people worldwide who have geographic atrophy.
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — The Truhlsen-Marmor Museum of the Eye® today introduced a first for San Francisco, a tactile exhibit to improve accessibility and inclusion for those who are blind and visually impaired. The exhibit features four new displays that use 3D, tactile renderings of images, braille, and sound to deliver visual information.
Donec eros massa, gravida ac lectus et, pharetra interdum lectus. Sed vel scelerisque quam, id fringilla ante. Vivamus sagittis velit quis dictum ultricies. Quisque posuere rhoncus erat, sit amet aliquet augue.
Quisque posuere rhoncus erat, sit amet aliquet augue. Nunc eleifend ornare venenatis. Donec eros massa, gravida ac lectus et, pharetra interdum lectus. Sed vel scelerisque quam, id fringilla ante.
Quisque posuere rhoncus erat, sit amet aliquet augue. Nunc eleifend ornare venenatis. Mauris quis arcu et sem suscipit sollicitudin at quis tellus. Ut maximus ex semper, ultricies lorem in, viverra nisl. Proin lorem quam, tincidunt at neque et, semper molestie urna. Sed vel scelerisque quam, id fringilla ante.